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Back in November I did 5 pregnancy tests that were all negative.. although vomiting after every meal suggested otherwise. Not to mention my boobs screamed pregnant. But I guess until you see the ‘positive’ sign on the test it isn’t real. I don’t really know why I didn’t tell people straight away that I was pregnant, but I just felt ‘closed’ this time, almost shut down from the outside world. I blame the sickness and hormones that literally took over my whole existence. I was feeling so down, sick and flat, even my husband was concerned. I had never felt anything like it before and it was making me so anxious about all that could go wrong with the pregnancy. With both my girl’s pregnancies I felt AMAZING, like the best version of myself, so this time was such a different experience that I felt completely out of control. I felt shit.

At 11 weeks we had the Harmony test done which told us the sex of the baby. We did a similar reveal like the video above and got Vienna to read what the doctor had written on a piece of paper. “Baby Boy Congrats’ Vienna, read it out loud and my reaction was “really?????… OH MY GOD’ and some other things that I cannot repeat 😉 Then I sat there going over how I was convinced the doctor wrote ‘baby sister’ on the paper and she clearly has given us the wrong one. I even picked up the phone to call and ask if she was playing some kind of joke. Please don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t the BOY thing that threw me off, it was the fact that I did not feel like it was a boy at all. I was a mother of three girls, I would have 3 girls, I would say I didn’t want a boy when people asked but secretly I would always be slightly disappointed that I never got to have a boy.. That’s how I saw my life! I was SHOCKED that the paper said boy. So shocked that I didn’t sleep a wink that night.

What would I do with a boy?? I know nothing about boys, I have nothing for a boy and the whole penis thing.. sorry but it really really really freaks me out! (grow up Krystal) I was battling with myself in my head for days.

The next few weeks I kept to myself, I was still so sick and throwing up most days. Everyone was asking me if we had got the results from the harmony test and I would lie to their faces and say we hadn’t opened the envelope yet (sorry friends and family 🙂 I guess it seems so stupid to most but I wasn’t convinced. I had to see if for myself so I made the decision to say NOTHING until I had my 20week scan. I don’t know, the way I can explain what I was feeling is this. I am one of those people who believes in feelings and intuition. I believe that ” I would know what I was having” I would be able to tell, I didn’t need science and I don’t even know if I believe in science all that much. I mean my test could have easily been switched with someone else. Right? and to me, it MUST be a girl.

It didn’t take me long to come around though. By the time we had booked in for the 20 week scan I was so excited for it to be a boy that I was having panic attacks that I would go to the scan and they would say ‘it’s a girl’ and then I would be so upset (haha wow how bipolar do I sound) But nope, at the scan, there it was plain as day. A super adorable baby BOY. I cried tears of happiness. I’m have a baby boy 🙂 ahhhh

I cannot thank the super talented Carmen of RoseGrace Photography for capturing these stunning images for our gender reveal. They are beyond amazing and exactly what I had envisioned!

Now that you know my story you know that it wasn’t a typical “reveal” as such. We knew what we were having. It was more like a reveal to everyone else 🙂 Hubby had organised the huge blue flowers for me weeks before.

So, I guess now we just wait. I have so so much to do. I’m turning my 4th bedroom, which is now my hairdressing salon, into the baby room so it will be a full on reno in there and I’ll start that in May some time. I need to get everything, a cot, a bassinet, a pram, clothes… everything! I can’t wait to get started!!!!

Thank you so very much to all of you who left me a gorgeous comment on my instagram post. I truely appreciate it and I’m so thankful that I have all of you to share this journey with.

Oh and PS, I would have been happy with either a boy or girl as long as the baby is healthy 🙂 Having a baby is a magical thing and I’m so grateful and blessed that I get to experience it for a third time.

Images by RoseGrace Photography

Flowers by: Alitalia Florist

My robe: Coven and Co



All images are taken by and property of Krystal Giardina of House Of Harvee.

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